We have a space for everyone

The most welcoming co-working venue in Sussex. With modern facilities and a cafe on-site.

Woman leaning against a shelf, looking to the left and smiling broadly
Avatar of a man called Marvin Root

"The Happy Space Co. has completely surpassed my expectations! You rock!"
Marvin Root - Founder of Biomedia

  • Line drawing of a man sitting at a desk

    Private space

    Benefit from private offices, beautifully furnished.

  • Line drawing of a woman sitting at a desk, working on a computer

    Open space

    For collaborating or working alongside others.

  • Line drawing of two people sitting at a table solving a puzzle

    Social space

    Common areas to take a break, refuel and refresh.

  • Line drawing of a man holding a globe

    Open 24/7

    All paying members have access at any time.

A woman smiling while working on a laptop

"I can honestly say that there is not one company that I've ever worked with that has better service than The Happy Space Co.!"
Sophie Wilson - COO at Innovant

A man with a mobile against his ear, sitting in front of a laptop

"Huge thanks to The Happy Space Co.! Your co-working space is amazing and your service is wonderful."
Christophe Harris - Art Director at Creative Loom

Questions? Answered!


What facilities do you have?

We have everything you need for a modern co-working experience, including high-speed internet and gorgeous, intentional workspaces. We have common areas like our kitchenettes and sofas. And there's a cafe on-site with the best iced coffee in town!

If you have a specific request, do get in touch and let us know.

What workspaces are available?

We have two open working spaces, where you can pick a desk for an hour or two, or reserve a space for days, weeks or months at a time. These areas are great for working alongside others, whether strangers or not.

There are private offices of different sizes. Either work solo or as part of a small team with extra space and desks. These offices have large screens for video calls.

Lastly, there are our larger offices. These can be used for larger groups or teams, and have multiple wall-mounted screens for video calls or presentations, as well as tea/coffee facilities.

All of our spaces are flexible - get in touch if you have any questions!

What are your opening times?

Our standard opening times are 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

However, if you are a member (have a long-term space), we will give you you're own entry code for 24/7 access.

See the pricing page for more information.

Do you run networking or social events?

Not yet! We will be running our own events soon. Keep an eye on our website for details.

However, we're more than happy to allow local businesses or members to use our spaces for business events.

What are the rules around visitors?

For any visitors to our co-working spaces, please book a meeting room.

Alternatively, don't forget that we do have the cafe on-site which can be used for visitors too! However, this is a public business with customers from outside of our co-working space, so bear in mind that it may be busy at times.

Claim your happy space
Your new co-working space is a click away!

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